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Helping today's youth find A NEW DIRECTION in life...

What would you do if it were your child?


It’s a slogan that describes our vision and passion at Pathway, Inc.  Our goal is to treat our neighbor’s children as if they were our own.  It is our mission to provide an effective program aimed at preventing future delinquency and undesirable social patterns. We challenge the youth to change their value system and accept responsibility for their actions, thus making a positive movement towards becoming a caring and contributing pro-social citizen.  Pathway has been fortunate to recruit and retain highly qualified individuals.  Our vision of child care was developed with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration.  Each service provided at Pathway, Inc. contributes its unique provision of care for children and families.  At Pathway, Inc. we understand that many of these youth have been steered in the wrong direction and it is our responsibility to direct them in a new direction.  We are privileged to have the opportunity to make positive change in the youth’s life.


Joe Peeples




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